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People, process, technology... in that order


Technology can supercharge your operations, no doubt. But what if the engine underneath is sputtering? Processes are only as strong as the people powering them - having the right talent, aligned on a unified vision. Without clear marching orders or a shared game plan, even the fanciest tech solutions will sputter.

At its core, a company is a team driving towards a common destination. And even with dated tools or clunky processes, that team can still go the distance if they're truly in sync. That's why at Business Mechanic, I start with the people - getting them aligned and engaged. From there, we, together, optimize the processes to maximize their momentum. Only then do we layer in technology as a turbo-boost, not a band-aid.


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  • A shared purpose is the glue that binds an organization together, guiding it towards its goals like a compass. A clear strategy acts as a roadmap, focusing efforts and coordinating functions towards desired outcomes.
  • However, the most agile organizations outpace their leaders. Leadership isn't just about setting directions or managing tasks. True leaders unleash potential by creating an environment where people can show up as their authentic selves. They clear the path, rather than cracking the whip.
  • Culture can't be artificially created – it emerges organically from the values, beliefs, and behaviors of a group. But it can be shaped by reinforcing desired behaviors and discouraging undesirable ones.


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  • An organizational chart alone is just lines and boxes - it's the people who breathe life into it. A well-structured organization acts as a framework, enabling its members to collaborate effectively towards shared goals.
  • However, any process that lacks flexibility is destined for failure. And without feedback loops, those failures will go unnoticed. Establishing feedback mechanisms and metrics doesn't require fancy tech or complex tools. It just takes humility and perspective.
  • As companies grow, processes inevitably mutate and evolve. Over time, the original rationale behind certain actions gets lost, leading to the dreaded "we've always done it this way" mentality. For insiders, change can seem unimaginable. But for outsiders, staying the same can be equally unthinkable.

    The key is striking a balance – maintaining core processes while remaining agile enough to adapt to changing circumstances. Only then can an organization truly thrive.


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  • Getting a new car or TV doesn't magically change how you drive or what shows you watch. Similarly, adopting new technology alone won't transform how you work. It's like buying fancy cooking gadgets – they don't make you a better chef if you don't understand how to use them properly.
  • Implementing tech without fully grasping your company's needs is a recipe for disaster. Timelines stretch, budgets bloat, and you end up with a messy "customized" solution that still doesn't fit. It's like trying to force an oversized sofa through a tiny doorway – a struggle that could've been avoided with some forethought.
  • Off-the-shelf enterprise tech is designed for businesses doing very standardized, cookie-cutter operations. To cater to diverse needs, these solutions pack in tons of features, many of which you'll never use. Identifying the right scale and fit for your unique processes is nearly impossible without an objective outside perspective. It's like buying a one-size-fits-all outfit – it might cover you, but it won't flatter your shape.

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Have you considered burning it all down?

The Flywheel and The Lever

A toolkit to help you transform your entire organization, by focusing on the metrics that matter and leveraging your human capital